It’s not my fault that museums have the best opportunities for amazing photos. And while we often snap our loud cameras in the silent bubble that is the gallery space and garner all sorts of judging looks, we actually do look at all the art around us—even if, from my pictures, it may not seem like it! This time we decided on a home favorite at the Baltimore Museum of Art. I had not been there in a long time and when I was there last I remember only going to one or two exhibits, barely scraping the surface. But this time, I got around to all of the newest exhibits and ones I simply did not remember and I was so glad for it! The museum was better than I remember! And I was so happy to have shared my reunion in the museum with my best art crawlers, Kara and Nick.

When a museum tour guide tells you to touch and interact with one of the pieces, its a good day! Now if I could get them to let me use this shower curtain in my new apartment.
Its funny because I was wearing this chain belt with two golden lion heads as the clasps, and so of course I had to find the biggest lion I could and pose with it!


Our main purpose for coming to the BMA was to check out the incredible collection of kimonos there were exhibiting. And as you can see, the patterns were simply stunning!


This image needed to be full sized, all the blues were working so well!


I see a head wearing an elaborate headdress, what do you see?


You see kiddies, when you’re a narcissist, all lines in the all photos must point to you. How else would your viewer know where to look?
Don’t want to forget this back detail, I think I tried to complete the line from the bottom of the mosaic—100% planned!

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